Music to your ears

Arghh so you want some music

Once you step aboard the Kraken background music will be heard while we navigate the harbour and its locks, once out to sea we hold back on the music until we are on the way back past Beachy Head, “unless everybody onboard wants to start early” from then onwards we will give you the chance to let your hair down and have a good old sing-along “what happens on the Kraken stays on the Kraken”

Your Captain has a background in music entertainment and will do his best to cater for all.

Please contact us if you require more info.

Behind the Scenes

Place your mouse over this box to find out how we make the magic happen
When booking the whole boat you now have the power of entertainment in your hands, Send us a list of songs "playlist" when booking and we will get them songs on the Kraken, not only do we play your favorite songs but the Captain will put them in a order he sees fit for your boat trip, You can always tell us in advance if you want to make a speech half way through also.
Check out some info on the Kraken's Audio system on the "meet the Kraken" page
Sing-Along Kraken Rib Tours